
Mental Health and Wellbeing

Here at Sparta, Health & Wellbeing is a key priority for us as our people are our most important resource.

As the lead on Health & Wellbeing at Sparta, I am a trained Mental Health First Aider and work to deliver various initiatives for our people. We chose Mates in Mind to be our partner in this area, due to them being construction-focussed. This ensures that the resources they provide are relevant for our industry & environment.

We take the physical and mental health of our people very seriously, underpinned by our Mental Health Policy.

If there is something bothering you, or you’re feeling unable to cope, we want you to talk about it, with a colleague, line manager, close friend or a stranger working for a professional counselling organisation.

Natalie McDermott
Business Manager

Mates in Mind is a leading UK charity raising awareness and addressing the stigma of poor mental health.

They promote and lead on the development of positive mental wellbeing within the workplace. Mates in Mind works across industries, focusing on construction, as well as related sectors including transport, logistics, manufacturing, and others.

Mates in Mind aims to provide clear information to employers about the available support and guidance on mental health and wellbeing, and how they can address this within their organisations.

TRIGGER WARNING: Please note, the following video includes mention of suicide and may be upsetting to some viewers.

Chris, a 30-year veteran of the construction industry, was a caring and loving husband, father, son, brother, uncle and friend. He worked with some of the biggest companies in the UK and was a well-respected member of the construction industry.

In 2019, Chris suffered a mental health crisis brought on by severe stress, which developed at rapid speed and had catastrophic consequences.

In partnership with Chris’s family and friends, this Stress Awareness Month, 2021 Mates in Mind will be sharing Chris’s story to raise awareness and understanding of the very real impact that workplace stress can have on our lives and the importance of recognising the signs that someone might be struggling.

You can read more about Chris and his story through his wife Michelle’s article detailing her story.

Remember, if you are struggling, you are not alone. There is always someone available to help you. If you or someone you know needs support, our friends at Samaritans are available 24/7 on 116 123, or you can speak to one of the many free, confidential support services.

Additional support: Make It Visible.

Lighthouse Club, the construction industry charity, has launched an industry wide initiative which offers more support for Emotional, Physical and Financial Wellbeing

The additional support can be access through this website: https://makeitvisible.info/